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Life Insurance for 70 Year Olds

Life insurance for individuals aged 70 or older is becoming increasingly popular as people live longer and want to ensure financial stability for their loved ones. Choosing the right life insurance policy may seem challenging for seniors, with various factors like coverage types, premiums, and overall affordability to consider. However, knowing your options and understanding the application process can lead to finding a suitable policy to cover any final expenses and funeral costs.

Seniors over 70 have several options when it comes to life insurance, including term and guaranteed issue permanent life insurance policies. Factors such as age and health significantly impact premiums and coverage amounts, but with research and comparison, it’s possible to find the right policy tailored to your individual needs. It’s essential to consider the costs, benefits, and top life insurance providers when selecting a policy that offers the most suitable coverage at the most affordable rate.

Key Takeaways

  • Seniors have multiple life insurance options, including term and guaranteed issue permanent policies
  • Age and health are significant factors affecting premiums and coverage for those over 70
  • Researching and comparing costs, benefits, and top providers are crucial steps in finding the right policy

Types of Life Insurance for 70-Year-Olds

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance offers coverage for a specific period, usually 10 to 20 years. It’s a good option for seniors who only need coverage for a set period, to provide financial support to their dependents, or to cover outstanding debts such as a mortgage. Term life policies often have lower premiums compared to permanent life insurance options. But, for seniors over 80, it might be difficult to find a term life policy due to the increased risk of life expectancy.

Features of Term Life Insurance

  • Fixed term: 10 to 20 years
  • Lower premiums
  • Limited coverage period

Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance provides coverage for the policyholder’s entire life, as long as premiums are paid. It is a type of permanent life insurance that guarantees a death benefit and builds cash value over time. This cash value can be accessed through loans or withdrawals for various financial needs. Whole life insurance is typically more expensive than term life due to lifelong coverage and the added cash value component.

Features of Whole Life Insurance

  • Lifelong coverage
  • Guaranteed death benefit
  • Cash value component

Universal Life Insurance

Universal life insurance is another type of permanent life coverage that offers both a death benefit and a cash value component with some added flexibility. Policyholders can adjust their premium and death benefit amounts, as well as allocate their premiums to the cash value component. The cash value earns interest and can be used for various financial needs, similar to whole life insurance. However, the policyholder must be mindful of the costs, as changes to the premium and death benefit could affect the policy’s performance.

Features of Universal Life Insurance

  • Flexible premiums and death benefit amounts
  • Cash value component with interest
  • Requires active management

Burial Insurance

Burial insurance, also known as final expense insurance or funeral insurance, is a type of insurance designed specifically to cover end-of-life expenses, such as funeral costs, medical bills, or outstanding debts. The coverage amount is typically lower than other types of life insurance, making it more affordable for seniors. Some burial insurance policies don’t require a medical exam, making it easier for seniors with health issues to get coverage.

Features of Burial Insurance

  • Designed to cover end-of-life expenses
  • Lower coverage amounts
  • No medical exam required for some policies

Each of these life insurance options has its features and benefits, and it’s essential for seniors to choose a policy that fits their individual needs and financial goals.

Factors Affecting Premiums and Coverage


Age is one of the most significant factors that influence life insurance premiums. The older you are, the more you’ll pay for your life insurance policy. For 70-year-olds, premiums can be higher than for those who are in their younger years. However, affordable options for life insurance coverage are still available for people at this age.

Health Conditions

Health conditions could also impact the cost and availability of life insurance for senior citizens. Pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, HIV, and cancer can potentially lead to higher premiums. Insurers will likely assess an individual’s medical history before determining the policy rates. The more severe a health issue, the higher the cost of the policy can be.

Health Condition Average Premium Increase for Male Average Premium Increase for Female
Diabetes 50% 60%
HIV 100% 100%
Cancer 60% 70%


Another factor that can affect life insurance premiums is gender. Statistically, women tend to live longer than men, which means insurance companies often charge lower premiums for female policyholders compared to their male counterparts. This difference in rates can be seen in the table below:

Policy Amount Male Premium Female Premium
$10,000 $45 $35
$25,000 $100 $80
$50,000 $180 $150
$100,000 $340 $290
$500,000 $1,500 $1,300

Policy Amount

The policy amount is the sum of money your beneficiaries receive when you pass away. The larger the policy amount, the higher the premiums will be. It’s important to balance the need for adequate coverage with the cost of premiums. Consider the following amounts when selecting a policy:

  • $10,000: Suitable for meeting final expenses or small debts
  • $25,000: Ideal for covering funeral costs and unpaid medical bills
  • $50,000: Good for providing some financial support to dependents
  • $100,000: Adequate coverage for replacing lost income and protecting assets
  • $500,000: Extensive coverage for substantial financial obligations and estate planning

Applying for Life Insurance at 70

Medical Exams

When applying for life insurance at age 70, insurers may require a medical exam to assess your health status. The exam typically includes a blood test, urine test, and a physical examination by a doctor. The results of the medical exam can affect your life insurance rates and the type of policies available to you. If you prefer to avoid a medical exam, there are no-exam policies available, but these may come with higher premiums.

Health Questions

In addition to the medical exam, insurance companies will ask a series of health questions during the application process. The questions may cover your personal medical history, family health history, and lifestyle habits (such as smoking and exercise). Being truthful in answering health questions is crucial for accurate insurance rates and valid death benefit payouts.

Key Health Questions Importance
Personal medical history Identify potential health risks and affect insurance rates
Family health history Assess possible genetic risks
Lifestyle habits Determine overall health status, premium adjustments

Insurance Agents

Insurance agents can help seniors over 70 navigate the life insurance market and find the right policy. By working with an agent, you can compare various coverage options, learn about policy features, and receive personalized quotes based on your health status. Agents can also assist with the application process and address any concerns you have about your policy.

Benefits of Insurance Agents Value for Seniors Over 70
Coverage options comparison Find the most suitable policy
Personalized quotes Obtain accurate life insurance rates based on health status
Application assistance Ensure a smooth and efficient process

Remember to carefully consider your exact needs and goals when applying for life insurance at 70. Each policy type can provide different coverage options and costs, so working with an insurance agent and being honest about your health status can help you make the best decision for your financial security and loved ones.

Cost and Affordability

When it comes to life insurance for 70-year-olds, there are various factors that affect the cost and affordability of policies. In this section we will explore how to budget for premiums and compare insurance rates to make an informed decision.

Budgeting for Premiums

As a 70-year-old, you might be on a fixed income or have certain financial constraints. Budgeting for life insurance premiums is essential to ensure you choose a policy that fits your financial situation. Here are a few steps to help you budget for premiums:

  1. Assess your financial situation: Consider your income, expenses, and any outstanding debts.
  2. Determine your coverage needs: Consider factors like funeral costs, medical bills, and outstanding debts.
  3. Set a budget: Decide on a reasonable amount you can afford to pay for life insurance premiums.

Keep in mind that the average cost of a 10-year term policy for seniors over 70 can range between $149 to $620 monthly, depending on several factors such as age, gender, health, and coverage amount1.

Comparing Insurance Rates

To ensure you’re getting the most affordable policy, it’s important to compare insurance rates from different providers. Here are some tips for comparing rates:

  1. Request quotes from multiple companies
  2. Compare apples to apples by looking at similar policy types and coverage amounts
  3. Inquire about discounts or additional options to help lower the costs

To make this process easier, use a table like the one below to compare the rates and key features of each policy:

Company Premium Coverage Term Length Additional Benefits
Company A $200/mo $100,000 10 years No medical exam required
Company B $250/mo $150,000 10 years Built-in living benefits
Company C $300/mo $200,000 20 years Convertible to whole life

By carefully considering your budget and comparing rates from various providers, you can find an affordable life insurance policy that meets your needs.

Final Expenses and Funeral Coverage

Final expense insurance, also referred to as burial or funeral insurance, specifically aims to help cover end-of-life costs, such as funeral, burial, and any related expenses. For seniors over 70, considering a final expense insurance policy can provide peace of mind and financial security for their loved ones.

Funeral costs can range from $7,000 to $12,000, while burial costs can add an additional $2,000 to $5,000. With a death benefit of around $20,000, final expense insurance is designed to alleviate the financial burden on family members during this difficult time. The premiums for these policies are generally affordable, with seniors in their 60s paying an average of $43 per month for a policy with a $10,000 death benefit.

Final expense policies are typically available to individuals aged 50 to 85. For seniors over 70, securing a policy earlier in their senior years is recommended to obtain the best rates.

Key Features of Final Expense Insurance:

  • Death Benefit: These policies provide a death benefit of around $20,000, which can be used towards funeral and burial costs.
  • Age Range: Final expense insurance is typically available to seniors aged 50 to 85.
  • Affordability: Premiums are generally affordable, with a policy for a senior in their 60s averaging $43 per month for a $10,000 death benefit.
  • Peace of Mind: Final expense insurance alleviates the financial burden on family members during a difficult time.

In conclusion, final expense and funeral coverage is an essential consideration for seniors over 70 looking to provide financial security for their loved ones. With a death benefit sufficient to cover funeral, burial, and related costs, final expense insurance offers an affordable and straightforward option for seniors to plan for the inevitable and protect their family from financial stress.

Selecting the Right Policy

Coverage Options

When choosing a life insurance policy for 70-year-olds, it is crucial to consider the available coverage options. Some popular choices for seniors include:

  • Term life insurance: These policies provide coverage for a specified term, such as 10 or 20 years. They are typically more affordable but may be harder to obtain after the age of 80.
  • Guaranteed universal life (GUL) insurance: GUL policies offer coverage for a lifetime with guaranteed level premiums. They can provide lifetime protection at a lower cost than other permanent policies.
  • Variable universal life (VUL) insurance: VUL policies offer permanent coverage, investment options, and flexibility to adjust premium payments and death benefits. However, they come with higher risk due to market fluctuations.

Policy Riders

Adding policy riders to your life insurance policy can customize the coverage to suit your needs. Consider the following riders for seniors:

  • Accelerated death benefit rider: Allows for early access to a portion of the death benefit if the policyholder is diagnosed with a terminal illness.
  • Long-term care rider: Provides financial assistance for long-term care expenses, such as nursing home care or in-home health care.
  • Return of premium rider: Returns a portion or all of the premiums paid if the insured outlives the term policy.

Financial Strength of Insurers

Before selecting a policy, it’s essential to consider the financial strength of the insurer. A company with a strong financial standing is more likely to fulfill its obligations to policyholders and beneficiaries. Look for agencies with top ratings from independent rating agencies such as A.M. Best, Standard & Poor’s, or Moody’s to ensure your choice is backed by financial stability.

Type of Policy Pros Cons
Term life insurance – Affordable
– Coverage for specific term
– Harder to obtain after 80
Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance – Lifetime coverage
– Level premiums
– Higher premiums than term life
Variable Universal Life Insurance – Permanent coverage
– Investment options
– Higher risk due to market fluctuations
– More complex

Top Life Insurance Providers for 70-Year-Olds

In this section, we will discuss the top life insurance providers for 70-year-olds, focusing on State Farm, Mutual of Omaha, Transamerica, and MassMutual. These providers offer policies with different coverage options and premiums to fit the unique needs of seniors.

State Farm

State Farm is known for its customer satisfaction and reliable policies. For seniors with health complications, they offer a range of coverage options to choose from, providing a sense of security in later life.

Features State Farm
Premium Options Flexible
Coverage Types Term, Whole, & Universal
Customer Satisfaction High

Mutual of Omaha

Mutual of Omaha is a respected provider that offers insurance policies for seniors even with health complications. Their policies include various coverage options, giving seniors the opportunity to choose plans that suit their needs best.

Features Mutual of Omaha
Premium Options Flexible
Coverage Types Term, Whole, & Universal
Health Complications Considered


Transamerica offers excellent permanent coverage options for seniors, making it an ideal choice for seniors seeking long-term life insurance policies. They cater to the financial and emotional security needs of seniors and their families.

Features Transamerica
Premium Options Flexible
Coverage Types Whole, & Universal
Permanent Coverage Available


MassMutual is a top-rated provider offering various life insurance options for seniors. They provide tailored policies that adapt to the unique requirements of older individuals, giving them peace of mind in their golden years.

Features MassMutual
Premium Options Flexible
Coverage Types Term, Whole, & Universal
Financial Stability Strong

The above providers excel in offering life insurance policies that cater to the needs of seniors aged 70 and above, taking into account their health, financial, and personal concerns. By reviewing the features and options provided by these companies, seniors can make an informed decision on which provider suits their needs best.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best life insurance options for seniors?

There are various life insurance options available for seniors, including:

  • Term life insurance: Offers coverage for a specified period, typically 10 to 30 years.
  • Whole life insurance: Provides coverage for the entire lifetime of the policyholder, including a guaranteed death benefit and cash value accumulation.
  • Guaranteed universal life (GUL) insurance: A combination of term and whole life insurance that offers flexible premiums and a guaranteed death benefit.
  • Final expense insurance: A type of whole life insurance designed to cover funeral costs, medical bills, and other end-of-life expenses.

Each option has its benefits and drawbacks, so it’s essential to consider personal financial goals and circumstances when selecting the appropriate policy.

How do premium types affect life insurance for 70-year-olds?

There are three main types of premium structures for life insurance policies:

  1. Level premium: Premiums remain the same throughout the policy’s duration.
  2. Stepped premium: Premiums increase as the policyholder ages, usually annually.
  3. Single premium: A one-time lump sum payment to cover the policy’s entire cost.

For 70-year-olds, level and single premiums may be more expensive initially, but they offer long-term cost savings. Stepped premiums are generally lower at the outset but increase significantly with age, making them less affordable in the long run.

What are affordable term life insurance rates for seniors?

Term life insurance rates for seniors will depend on their age, gender, and health profile. Expect a 70-year-old non-smoking female with minor health conditions to pay less than $174 per month for a 10-year term life insurance policy with a $250,000 death benefit. A 70-year-old non-smoking male with a similar health profile can expect to pay around $245 for the same coverage.

Does life insurance for seniors over 75 require a medical exam?

Some life insurance policies for seniors over 75 do not require a medical exam, like guaranteed acceptance or simplified issue policies. However, these policies usually offer lower coverage amounts and come with higher premiums. Fully underwritten policies that require a medical exam often provide better coverage and lower premiums but may be challenging for seniors with pre-existing health conditions to qualify for.

How does age impact the cost and coverage of life insurance?

Age has a significant impact on life insurance premiums. As policyholders age, their risk of death increases, leading to higher premiums. Coverage options may also become more limited, and the cost of policies may be prohibitive for seniors seeking large death benefits. It’s essential to consider these factors when choosing a life insurance policy in your 70s.

What are the recommended life insurance policies for senior citizens?

Recommended life insurance policies for senior citizens include:

  • Term life insurance: A good option for seniors seeking affordable premiums and short-term coverage.
  • Guaranteed universal life (GUL) insurance: Offers more flexibility and affordability than whole life insurance, with a guaranteed death benefit.
  • Final expense insurance: Designed specifically for seniors to cover end-of-life expenses and suitable for those with existing health concerns.

It’s crucial to evaluate personal financial goals, family needs, and health status when determining the best life insurance policy for a senior citizen.


  1. Reference snippet from search result: “Life insurance for seniors over 70 –”