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Whole Life Insurance Rates By Age Chart

Whole life insurance provides lifelong coverage and has a cash value component that grows over time. It’s important for people looking to secure their financial future and support their loved ones after they’re gone. As one’s age advances, whole life insurance rates also increase, making it crucial to understand how each age category can influence the premiums paid. By comparing whole life insurance rates for different age groups and considering other factors, finding a suitable policy that offers lasting protection and benefits is possible.

In addition to age, factors such as gender, health, and lifestyle choices can impact the cost of whole life insurance. The premium rates vary among insurance companies, and shopping around can help find the best deal. Comparing whole and term life insurance can also be useful to determine the right policy type that meets an individual’s specific needs. Acquiring a policy at a younger age can save a significant amount on premiums, emphasizing the importance of early consideration for whole life insurance.

Key Takeaways

  • Whole life insurance rates are influenced by age, gender, health, and lifestyle choices.
  • Comparing policies and premiums among various companies can lead to better deals.
  • Exploring whole and term life insurance options can help find a suitable policy.

Basics of Whole Life Insurance

Permanent Life Insurance

Whole life insurance is permanent, meaning it lasts as long as the policyholder pays the premiums. Unlike term life insurance, which only covers a specified term, whole life insurance provides coverage for the insured’s entire lifetime.

Coverage Amount

The coverage amount, or face value, is paid to beneficiaries upon the policyholder’s death. When selecting a whole life insurance policy, individuals should carefully consider the coverage amount to ensure it sufficiently meets the needs of their beneficiaries. The cost of whole-life insurance policies is typically higher than term-life policies, partly due to their permanent nature and added features like cash value.

Cash Value

One distinctive feature of whole life insurance is the cash value component. This is a savings-like account that accrues interest over time and grows tax-deferred. Policyholders can access the cash value by withdrawing or taking out loans against the policy. It’s important to note that withdrawals and loans may reduce the death benefit, so managing the cash value with care is essential.

Death Benefit

The death benefit is the money paid to beneficiaries upon the policyholder’s death. Whole life insurance guarantees a fixed death benefit as long as the premiums are paid. This provides a sense of security for policyholders, knowing their loved ones will receive financial support in their absence.

To summarize, whole life insurance is a permanent insurance policy that offers a guaranteed death benefit, coverage for the policyholder’s entire life, and a cash value component for added financial flexibility. When selecting a whole life insurance policy, consideration should be given to coverage amount and policy costs.

Factors Affecting Rates


Age is one of the primary factors influencing life insurance premium rates for both term and permanent policies. Typically, the premium amount increases as the policyholder’s age increases due to the higher risk associated with an older age group. Life insurance premiums tend to be lower for younger people, as they generally have longer life expectancy.


Gender can also have an impact on life insurance rates. Statistically, women tend to live longer than men, lowering life insurance premiums for female policyholders. Insurers base their rates on actuarial tables, which consider the average life expectancy of both genders when determining premium amounts.


Policyholders’ health plays a significant role in determining life insurance rates. Individuals with existing medical conditions or a history of serious health issues generally face higher premiums because they pose a greater risk to the insurer. The healthier the applicant, the lower the premium will be.

Medical Exam

Many life insurance policies require applicants to undergo a medical exam to assess their health and identify potential risks. The results of this exam can greatly influence premium rates. Policyholders with favorable exam results can expect lower premiums, while those with less-than-optimal health may face higher rates.

Smoking Status

Smoking can significantly impact life insurance rates. Smokers are generally considered high-risk applicants due to the various health issues associated with smoking. Therefore, they often face considerably higher life insurance premiums to account for the increased risk they present to insurers.


An individual’s occupation can be another factor in determining life insurance rates. Occupations with higher risks of injury or death, such as construction workers, firefighters, or miners, may lead to higher premium rates. On the other hand, occupations with relatively low risks, like office jobs, will usually result in lower premium costs.


A policyholder’s lifestyle can also affect their life insurance rates. Risky hobbies, such as skydiving or extreme sports, can increase premiums due to the potential for injury or death. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a nutritious diet, can help keep life insurance rates more affordable.

Whole Life Insurance Rates By Age Group

Whole life insurance rates can largely depend on the age of the policyholder. The following sections explore the general trends in rates for different age groups using the common age brackets: 25-30 years, 30-35 years, 35-40 years, 40-45 years, 45-50 years, and 50-55 years.

25-30 Years

At this young age, life insurance premiums tend to be the lowest. Most insurers offer favorable rates to applicants within this age group because they represent lower risk due to their overall health and longer life expectancy. The average rates for a non-smoker can range from about $15 to $30 per month for a $10,000 to $100,000 policy.

30-35 Years

As individuals enter their thirties, they can still expect relatively low insurance rates. However, rates may begin to increase slightly as health concerns may begin to emerge. The policy premiums are still quite affordable, ranging between $20 to $40 per month for non-smokers.

35-40 Years

During this age group, the premiums typically start to rise noticeably. While rates can vary depending on different factors, policyholders may notice a monthly premium price jump of around $10 to $15, compared to the 30-35 age bracket.

40-45 Years

As individuals enter their forties, life insurance rates continue to increase. The rise in premiums may be more significant and depend on the overall health and lifestyle of the applicant. Rates within this age group may range between $40 to $80 per month for a $10,000 to $100,000 policy.

45-50 Years

For individuals aged 45-50, whole life insurance rates can still be managed, but it is common for premiums to increase further as health concerns often become more apparent in this age group. Premiums may range from around $50 to $100 per month.

50-55 Years

The 50-55 age group experiences a more significant increase in whole life insurance premium rates. Aging and health concerns become more prevalent, impacting insurance pricing. Policyholders can expect monthly rates of around $60 to $120 for a $10,000 to $100,000 non-smoker policy.

Comparing Whole and Term Life Insurance

Coverage Options

When choosing a life insurance policy, you’ll likely compare whole and term life insurance. Whole life insurance covers your entire lifetime, while term life insurance offers coverage for a specific term, typically 10 to 30 years. If the policyholder dies within the term, the death benefit is paid to the beneficiaries. If not, the coverage ends or can be renewed at a higher premium.

Premiums and Cost

Both whole life and term life insurance policies come with monthly or annual premiums that policyholders must pay to keep the policy active. However, these premiums differ significantly.

  • Whole life insurance premiums are typically higher but remain level throughout the policyholder’s lifetime. Additionally, they often have a cash value component that can be borrowed against or used to cover premium costs.
  • Term life insurance premiums are generally lower and more affordable initially, especially for younger and healthier individuals. These premiums increase with age or as the policyholder renews the term policy.

Remember that both types of policies consider factors such as age, health, and coverage amount when determining premium costs.

Term Length

Unlike whole life insurance, which provides lifelong coverage, term life insurance has a limited coverage period. The policyholder can choose the term length, usually 10 to 30 years. This allows individuals to tailor their coverage based on their specific needs, such as covering a mortgage or ensuring their children’s education needs are met in case of their passing.

In summary, when comparing whole life and term life insurance, it’s essential to consider the differences in coverage options, premiums and costs, and term length. Each policy type has unique advantages, so carefully weigh your needs and preferences before selecting an insurance product that best suits your situation.

Companies and Policy Types

Preferred and Standard

Several companies are offering whole life insurance policies with various features and benefits. These companies generally classify their policies into two categories: Preferred and Standard. Preferred policy rates are usually offered to applicants who are in excellent health and meet certain lifestyle criteria, while Standard policy rates apply to applicants with average health and lifestyle factors. Some well-known companies providing both preferred and standard whole life insurance policies include Prudential, MetLife, Northwestern Mutual, and New York Life.


Whole life insurance policies often include optional riders, enabling policyholders to customize their coverage to suit individual needs. Some common riders include:

  • Waiver of premium: If the policyholder becomes disabled, this rider waives premium payments.
  • Accidental death benefit: Provides additional coverage in an accidental death.
  • Guaranteed insurability: The insured can increase coverage at specific ages or life events without undergoing additional underwriting.
  • Long-term care: Helps cover expenses such as nursing home facilities or in-home care.


The underwriting process for whole life insurance involves a comprehensive evaluation of an applicant’s health, lifestyle, and medical history to determine the appropriate policy type and premium rates. This may include a medical exam or review of medical records, along with considerations like age, gender, occupation, and hobbies. Companies use these factors to assess the risk associated with different policyholder profiles and offer policy types and premium rates according to their risk assessments. Whole life insurance underwriting varies between companies, and some may have more relaxed underwriting requirements or offer more competitive rates for specific age groups or health conditions.

Applying for Whole Life Insurance

Life Insurance Quote

First, you’ll need to obtain a quote to get started with applying for whole life insurance. An insurance quote estimates the premium you can expect to pay based on age, coverage amount, and overall health. Many providers offer whole life insurance quotes online, which can simplify the process and allow comparison across different carriers. Remember that these quotes are just estimates, and final rates may vary based on your situation.

Application Process

The application process for whole life insurance involves providing personal information and answering questions related to your health and lifestyle. Some of the data required may include:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Height and weight
  • Tobacco use
  • Employment details
  • Coverage amount desired

Upon completing the application, the insurance company will review the information and may request further details or documentation. They’ll also verify some of the provided data and assess your eligibility for coverage.

Medical History

You’ll be asked about your medical history during the whole life insurance application process. This information helps insurers assess your overall risk and calculate the premium for your policy. Some of the medical history factors that could impact your rates include:

  • Past and current medical conditions
  • Surgeries or hospitalizations
  • Medications taken
  • Lifestyle habits (e.g., exercise, alcohol consumption)

Remember that honesty is crucial when providing your medical history, as insurance companies can rescind coverage or deny claims if they discover any false or withheld information.

Family History

In addition to your medical history, insurance companies also consider your family’s health history when determining your whole life insurance rates. Certain health conditions that have a genetic component, such as cancer or heart disease, can impact your premium if they’re prevalent in your family.

When providing family history information, you’ll typically need to share details about your parents and siblings, including their ages, health conditions, and cause of death (if applicable).

Applying for whole life insurance requires a thorough assessment of your personal, medical, and family histories. You’ll be better equipped to find the most suitable policy for your needs by obtaining quotes, following the application process, and providing accurate information.

Frequently Asked Questions

What factors affect the cost of whole life insurance?

Several factors influence the cost of whole life insurance, including the coverage amount, health status, gender, and age of the applicant. Additionally, hobbies or occupations that are considered high-risk can also impact the premium rates.

How do premiums change with age?

Whole life insurance rates typically increase with age. In recent years, premium rates have increased yearly by 5-8% in your 40s and by 9-12% over 50. The increase in premiums is due to the higher risk of claims payout as the insured person ages.

How do whole life insurance rates compare to term life insurance?

Whole life insurance is significantly more expensive than term life insurance because it provides lifelong coverage and builds cash value over time. On average, a 30-year-old with minimal health conditions could pay about $472 per month for a whole life insurance policy with a $500,000 coverage amount, whereas a term life insurance policy for the same person would typically cost much less.

At what age should someone consider buying whole life insurance?

No specific age is considered ideal for purchasing whole life insurance, as it depends on the individual’s financial goals, dependents, and long-term needs. However, buying whole life insurance when you’re younger and healthier is generally recommended, as premiums tend to be lower at that time.

How can I estimate my monthly premium for whole life insurance?

To estimate your monthly premium for whole life insurance, you can use online calculators or obtain quotes from insurance companies. These quotes will be based on your age, health condition, gender, coverage amount, and other underwriting considerations.

Are there any discounts or ways to lower my whole life insurance costs?

There are several ways to potentially lower your whole life insurance costs. You can:

  1. Look for policy discounts, such as bundling with other types of insurance.
  2. Maintain a healthy lifestyle to receive better premium rates.
  3. Shop around and compare rates from different insurance providers.
  4. Consider a policy with lower coverage if your financial needs allow for it.