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Whole Life Insurance Rates For a 56 Year Old

If you’re nearing retirement age, term life insurance should be on your financial roadmap. This article focuses specifically on life insurance for 56-year olds, the factors driving the rates, and what you can do to ensure your premiums don’t put unwarranted stress on your financial health. Understand and compare life insurance rates, explore various tax benefits and unlock the best insurance plan for your upcoming golden years.

Should a 56 year old get life insurance?

Life insurance is a personal decision that depends on individual circumstances and needs. While there is no definitive answer, it is advisable for a 56-year-old to consider obtaining life insurance coverage. Here are a few factors to consider:

1. Financial Dependents:

If the individual has dependents, such as a spouse, children, or aging parents, who rely on their income or financial support, life insurance can provide financial security in the event of their death.

2. Debts and Financial Obligations:

If there are outstanding debts, such as a mortgage, loans, or credit card debts, life insurance can ensure that these financial obligations are taken care of after the individual’s passing, preventing a burden on their loved ones.

3. Funeral Expenses:

Life insurance can help cover the cost of funeral and final expenses, relieving the financial burden on family members during a difficult time.

4. Estate Planning and Inheritance:

If there are assets or an estate that the individual intends to pass onto their loved ones, life insurance can be used to cover inheritance taxes, ensuring the intended beneficiaries receive the desired portion of the estate.

5. Consideration of Premium Costs:

It is essential to assess the affordability of life insurance premiums at this stage in life. Premiums tend to increase with age, and pre-existing health conditions can impact the cost. A careful evaluation of the budget alongside the insurance options available is necessary to make an informed decision.

Ultimately, consulting with a financial advisor or insurance professional can help assess the specific needs and options available to a 56-year-old individual. This professional guidance will provide a more accurate understanding of the benefits and considerations of obtaining life insurance.

How much life insurance should a 56 year old get?

Should you get whole life insurance or term life insurance?

Determining the amount of life insurance coverage and the type of policy, whether whole life or term life insurance, depends on various factors including financial responsibilities, goals, and budget. Here are some considerations:

1. Financial Responsibilities:

Calculate the total financial obligations remaining such as outstanding mortgage, debts, college tuition expenses, or any other financial responsibilities to be alleviated upon your passing.

2. Income Replacement:

Consider the amount of income that needs to be replaced to support your dependents after your passing. A common recommendation is to seek coverage that equals 7-10 times your annual income.

3. Future Expenses:

Account for any future expenses like healthcare costs, long-term care, or funeral expenses you wish to provide for and include those in the coverage calculation.

4. Type of Life Insurance:

Now, let’s consider choosing between whole life insurance and term life insurance policies:

a) Whole Life Insurance:

Whole life insurance provides coverage for the entire life of the insured individual. The premiums are generally higher than term life insurance. If you opt for whole life insurance, a common recommendation is coverage equal to 5-10 times your annual income.

b) Term Life Insurance:

Term life insurance offers coverage for a specific term, usually 10, 20, or 30 years. It generally has lower premiums compared to whole life insurance. For term life insurance, an appropriate coverage recommendation is to have coverage equal to your financial responsibilities and income replacement needs during the term.

Male Whole Life Insurance Rates

The two tables present the rates for whole life insurance for male non-smokers and male smokers. The rates are displayed for coverage amounts of $5,000, $10,000, $15,000, $20,000, and $25,000.

The rates for male non-smokers generally range from around $20 to $35 per month for the coverage amounts mentioned. Each insurance company has its own rates, with some companies offering lower rates than others. For example, Mutual of Omaha has the lowest rate of $20.30 for $5,000 coverage, while Great Western has the highest rate of $34.57 for the same coverage amount.

The rates for male smokers are generally higher compared to the rates for non-smokers. The rates for smokers range from around $25 to $35 per month for the coverage amounts mentioned. Again, the rates differ for each insurance company. Aetna has the lowest rate of $28.82 for $5,000 coverage, while Great Western has the highest rate of $34.57 for the same coverage amount.

Overall, the rates for male smokers are consistently higher across all coverage amounts compared to the rates for non-smokers. This is because smoking is considered a high-risk factor for insurance companies, leading to increased premiums for smokers. Additionally, the rates vary among insurance companies, so it’s important for individuals to compare rates from different companies to find the most affordable option.

Whole Life Insurance Rates for 56 year-old men

Company $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000
Aetna $23 $43 $62 $82 $102
American Amicable $22 $42 $61 $81 $100
CVS Health $24 $45 $66 $87 $108
Foresters $21 $40 $59 $78 $97
Liberty Bankers $22 $40 $58 $76 $93
Sons of Norway Coverage N/A Coverage N/A Coverage N/A Coverage N/A $75
Mutual of Omaha $20 $37 $54 $71 $88
Prosperity $21 $39 $57 $74 $92
Royal Neighbors Coverage N/A $44 $66 $87 $108
Transamerica $20 $37 $54 $71 $87
AIG $32 $63 $93 $124 $154
Gerber Life $30 $59 $88 $118 $147
Great Western $34 $66 $97 $129 $161

Whole Life Insurance Rates for 56 year-old men (Smokers)

$5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000
Aetna $28 $54 $79 $105 $130
American Amicable $28 $52 $77 $102 $126
CVS Health $30 $57 $84 $111 $138
Foresters $30 $58 $86 $114 $141
Liberty Bankers $30 $55 $81 $107 $132
Sons of Norway Coverage N/A Coverage N/A Coverage N/A Coverage N/A $94
Mutual of Omaha $26 $49 $73 $96 $120
Prosperity $29 $55 $81 $107 $133
Royal Neighbors Coverage N/A $59 $87 $116 $144
Transamerica $28 $53 $78 $103 $128
AIG $32 $63 $93 $124 $154
Gerber Life $30 $59 $88 $118 $147
Great Western $34 $66 $97 $129 $161

Female Whole Life Insurance Rates

These tables present the rates for whole life insurance for male non-smokers and male smokers offered by various insurance companies.

The first table shows the rates for male non-smokers. The rates increase as the coverage amount increases, with the cheapest rate starting at $15.90 for a $5,000 coverage and the most expensive rate being $30.82 for a $25,000 coverage. It is worth noting that not all companies offer coverage for all amounts, as indicated by “Coverage N/A” in some cells.

The second table shows the rates for male smokers. Similar to the first table, the rates increase as the coverage amount increases. However, the rates for smokers are generally higher compared to non-smokers. The cheapest rate starts at $21.48 for a $5,000 coverage, while the highest rate is $142.44 for a $25,000 coverage.

These tables can help individuals compare insurance rates offered by different companies for whole life insurance. It is important for individuals to consider their own health and lifestyle factors, such as smoking status, when determining which insurance policy and company to choose.

Whole Life Insurance Rates for 56 year-old Women

Company $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000
Aetna $18 $33 $48 $64 $79
American Amicable $19 $35 $51 $67 $83
CVS Health $19 $35 $51 $67 $83
Foresters $18 $33 $49 $64 $79
Liberty Bankers $18 $32 $45 $59 $73
Sons of Norway Coverage N/A Coverage N/A Coverage N/A Coverage N/A $67
Mutual of Omaha $15 $28 $41 $53 $66
Prosperity $17 $31 $44 $58 $72
Royal Neighbors Coverage N/A $36 $52 $69 $86
Transamerica $16 $28 $41 $53 $66
AIG $25 $48 $71 $94 $118
Gerber Life $23 $46 $68 $91 $113
Great Western $30 $58 $86 $114 $142

Whole Life Insurance Rates for 56 year-old Women (Smokers)

Company $5,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000
Aetna $23 $43 $63 $84 $104
American Amicable $22 $40 $59 $77 $96
CVS Health $24 $46 $67 $88 $110
Foresters $25 $47 $69 $91 $113
Liberty Bankers $23 $42 $61 $80 $99
Sons of Norway Coverage N/A Coverage N/A Coverage N/A Coverage N/A $85
Mutual of Omaha $21 $39 $58 $76 $94
Prosperity $23 $42 $62 $82 $101
Royal Neighbors Coverage N/A $50 $73 $97 $121
Transamerica $23 $42 $62 $81 $101
AIG $25 $48 $71 $94 $118
Gerber Life $23 $46 $68 $91 $113
Great Western $30 $58 $86 $114 $142